Monday, April 16, 2007

RockYou FunNote - Get Your Own

I simply hate to see the common practice of students or young kids tring to squeeze sum money out of the adults for tis so-called charity for their own ....schools! i mean like waddafuck?! its been like happening every month! Don't they get enough for this monthly Flag-day! and furthermore what the fuck do they do with it? free textbooks? free meals.!? i guess...NOT! i'm not ashamed to say that i did involved once during my school years..n guess wat? I lasted only for a week! or less than that! haha..Instead of doing the flaggy day thing on the streets,i did it in the trains.No need to walk,no hot sun/rain! aye!? but its just seems wrong for me at that time.i was thinking like wat's the whole bloody purpose? people still fight each other.there are still prostitutes on the streets.wat's the enlightenment like even so if the students did collect 1 few hundred thousands for their school.what r they gonna do about it? its been on for lots of damned in my expertise to these fucking flag days, fuck you all.its so damn annoying! might as well i gave my well precious notes to buskers.At least its all for the art!

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